Information in English

The municipal and county council elections are held on 10 and 11 September 2023. You can vote in advance from 10 August to 8 September. Remember to bring your ID. 

When and where can you vote on the election days?

The election days in Lørenskog is 10 and 11 September. If you intend to vote on the election days you must do so at a polling station in the municipality in which you are registered in the Central Population Register as resident on 30 June 2023.

On the election days you can vote in the following polling stations: 

  • Luhr skole
  • Fjellsrud skole 
  • Kjenn skole 
  • Finstad skole
  • Løkenåsen skole
  • Kurland skole
  • Benterud skole 

All the polling stations are open from 15.00-18.00 Sunday 10 september and 10.00-21.00 Monday 11 september. 

About municipal and county council elections

Municipal council elections

The municipal council is a municipality’s supreme body. It is here that decisions are made on local matters such as kindergartens, child welfare, planning and land questions, primary and lower secondary schools, health and care services, cultural initiatives, and refuse collection.

It is these local matters that have the biggest impact on your everyday life. By voting you are helping to decide who will represent you and your interests on the municipal council.

County council elections 

The county council is the county authority’s supreme body. County councils make decisions on matters such as upper secondary school education, county roads and associated ferry routes, local public transport, and cultural initiatives. 

Who has the right to vote?

You can vote in the municipal council election and county council election in Lørenskog if:

You are a Norwegian citizen or a citizen of another Nordic country who

  • entered the National Population Register as a resident of Lørenskog by June 30, 2023 and

  • is 18 years old by the end of 2023

You are a foreign citizen of any other country who

  • entered in the National Population Register as a resident of Lørenskog by 30 June, 2023 and

  • entered in the National Registry as a resident of Norway at least three years before election day and

  • is 18 years old by the end of 2023

When and where can you vote in advance? 

You can vote in advance from 10 August to 8 September. You can vote in advance in any municipality in Norway. Remember to bring your ID with you!

Kunstsalen Lørenskog hus 

  • 10.00-20.00 Monday to Friday
  • 10.00-18.00 Saturday 2 september

The election vehicle 

The election vehicle is a mobile polling station that will be at different locations in Lørenskog troughout the advance voting period. 

In week 36 the electrion vehicle will be in the following places: 

  • Monday 4 September 15.00-20.00: Extra Finstad
  • Tuesday 5 September 15.00-20.00: Rema 1000 Lørenskog stasjonsby
  • Wednesday 6 September 15.00-20.00: Meny Rasta
  • Thursday 7 September 15.00-20.00: Fjellhamar torg
  • Friday 8 September 15.00-19.00: Skårersletta, Bunnpris


Who can you vote for? 

11 parties stand for election in Lørenskog kommune:

Kristelig Folkeparti
Miljøpartiet de Grønne
Partiet Sentrum
Sosialistisk Venstreparti

All the parties have been given the opportuinity to present their politics in 100 words. You can read more on this page (currently only in Norwegian, presentation in other languages will be published in August). 

More information 

You can find more information about the election in English on this page from Valgdirektoratet.